
Who and what?

Hello and welcome to the Finance Freedom blog!
My name is Lukas, I am in my mid 20’s, a simple dude from Estonia, who started investing at 2014. So far, I have been investing for over 7 years.
In addition, I was 20 years old, when I started my first company and just 21 years of age, when I made my first investments. I was hooked instantly!

In this blog I will be documenting my journey towards financial freedom.

My goal #1 is to be earning 1000€ from investments. In January 2021 I earned 186,26€ from investments.

Collaborations & guest posts I have written

Rahajutud.ee is an Estonian finance portal

Rahajutud (Moneytalks) is basically the centerpoint of every Estonian financial blog. They host multiple podcasts, publish financial articles and bloggers blog posts daily, so overall a great site with even greater people behind it.

I regularly translate my blog post intro into Estonian and they gladly publish my monthly updates on their site. My profile can be found here – https://rahajutud.ee/category/blogid/eluolust/

Also, Rahajutud.ee has interviewed me, the full interview can be found here, in Estonian – https://rahajutud.ee/vaikeinvestorist-blogija-tee-finantsvabaduseni-on-tais-nuttu-ja-naeru/

Financefreedom Guest on mintos blog

Guest post on Mintos blog –Why 2020 could be a Great and Wonderful Year for P2P Lending in Europe

Guest post #1 on Viventor blog –What are the Upcoming EU Crowdfunding Regulations?

Guest post #2 on Viventor blog – “Why China’s P2P Industry is in Turmoil and What is Europe Doing Differently

Guest and sponsored posts on this blog

I’m open to guest posts at the moment. If you are interested in submitting a guest post for publication, you can send your final version to financefreedom1234@gmail.com.

The article/post must be:

  • 100% unique and not published elsewhere;
  • Should be related to the blog’s theme of personal finance, P2P investing, stocks, other investments or any investing related topics;
  • At least 1000 words of excellent quality text;
  • Have links to existing resources/articles on my blog (I may add these myself).

Note: I reserve the right to make edits to your final version or to not publish it. Please forward your guest post as a Word document. Thank you!


I am passionate about investing and finance, but I’m not a financial expert. The content on this blog is not financial or investment advice. I’m simply recording/blogging my journey towards financial freedom.
The views expressed on this blog are my own or the guest authors whom Financefreedom.eu has allowed permission to post.

I hope that you could benefit from my experience and improve your financial status as well.

This blog contains affiliate and referral links. If you click on any of these links and decide to invest in any of the products or services, I will probably earn comission. But the best part is that there is a high chance that you will receive a bonus aswell for using my links.

Privacy policy – https://financefreedom.eu/privacy-policy/

Disclosure – https://financefreedom.eu/disclosure/

Subscribing for more

If you like what you see, you might consider subscribing. That way you will receive all of the news first! Heck, maybe you’ll be inspired to start your own journey towards financial freedom.

Subscription box can be found at the right side of the page.


Feel free to contact me – financefreedom1234@gmail.com

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