Portfolio update August 2017

August portfolio update 2017



Summer was super productive for me and the numbers kept on climbing.
So far my crowdlending strategy has gone well, it’s been 8 months since I first started investing in P2P loans.

Enough of words, let’s talk in numbers!

Private account interests received:

Bondora.com 4,96€
Twino.eu 0,99€
Omaraha.ee 3,79€

Interests received from private P2P in August 2017 = 9,74€.

No withdrawals nor deposists were made to/from the private accounts at August.

Company interests received:

Company investing portfolio has been running on full throttle for the whole summer and you can see it in the numbers.

Platform Income Invested Value
Omaraha.ee 73,92€ 3500€ 3736,06€
Twino.eu 4,52€ 500€ 531,73€
78,44€ 4000€ 4267,79€
Real Estate Income Invested Value
Property #1
Property #2
Company total interests 121,89€ 9500€ 10 145,54€

Total amount of interests received 131,63€!


My comments to the returns

Earned a total of 131,63€ in August with my private and company’s accounts.
There was a small loss from sold loans under the company account, which was 5,76€. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, as they say.

Property #1

No problems with the apartment nor the rent payments.
Overall a superb tenant!

Property #2

In March, me and my fellow business partners bought one more apartment, which is located at the capital of Estonia, Tallinn. I have a total of 3600 euros invested in the apartment, which is generating me 27,40€ per month.

No problem with the tenant so far, keeps on paying the rent and everything is OK!


Omaraha August interests 82,07€ and loss from sold loans 5,76€.
Which means the profit was 73,92€. The money I added at June is still going out and the interests keep on increasing.

Omaraha august interests 2017


Everything works well, money is generating more monay and can’t complain about anything.

Twino cash flow forecast august 2017


This concludes the Portfolio update of August!

How did your month go? Leave a comment and share your thoughts about the blog with me and the blog readers.

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START INVESTING – Read more @ https://financefreedom.eu/start-investing/

Finance Freedom

Hi! My name is Lukas, I am in my mid 20’s and I am an engineer from Estonia. I started investing at 2014, so I have been investing for over 6 years. In addition, I was 20 years old, when I started my first company and just 21 years of age, when I made my first investments. I was hooked instantly! In this blog I will be documenting my journey towards financial freedom.

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