Start investing!

When investors get asked:
What do they regret the most about investing?

One of the main answers to this question is “STARTING TOO LATE” …
So what are you waiting for? START INVESTING!

I was just 20 years old, when I started my first company and only 21 years of age, when I made my first investments.

Most of the people think that you need to have sizeable amount of money to start investing, otherwise it does not pay off. THAT IS COMPLETELY FALSE!

I started with just 10€ and yes, you read that right! 10 euros! You can read about it at my blog post “When and how I started investing”

With the addition of thinking about investing, when they have established a decent income or a job position. But not realizing that getting into such situation will often at best take several years, but more often close to a decade of hard work.
By that time they have already lost a great deal of the most valuable asset about investing – TIME!

time is priceless

In 10 years TIME, compound interest can make miracles even to small-scale investments!
For example investing 1000 euros for 10 years with the interest rate of a decent 8%. Compound interest will earn you a hefty amount of interests – in our case the interests would be 1225,35€ + your original investment of 1000€. Total withdrawable sum 2225,35€.
Now imagine the outcome, when you would also ADD more money to the calculation. Voilaa!
The power of compound interest!

Try it with your own numbers. Compound interest calculator –

SO! The sooner you start learning about investing and making investments the better it is for your own good and financial well-being.

Remember! Investing is a marathon, not a sprint!

This blog takes a deeper look into my personal investing “career”, I publish montly updates on my investments and talk about money, side hustles and much more. Make sure to take a look –

Investment history blog

My portfolio –


Also make sure to check out my monthly updates, which can be found at the front page of the blog @

Read my reviews about different P2P platforms!

All reviews are 100% unbiased and based on my own experience!

Mintos review –

Estateguru review –

Twino review –

Crowdestor review –

Crowdestate review –

FAST INVEST review –

Bondora review –

Kuetzal review –

Grupeer review –

Envestio review –


For more sign-up bonuses check here –

Start investing with MINTOS

Mintos invest in loans and earn 11.6% annual net return


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Revolut investing in stock exchange

What are you waiting for? Start investing now!

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