Twino portfolio

Updated: 22.08.2021

Investment start date: 02.03.2016

Total deposits to private account: 100€
Total deposits to account #1M: 1000€
Total deposits to account #2L: 1000€
Total withdrawals: 2295,92€

Successfull EXIT from TWINO with a total profit of 295,92€.

Company L account started investing at Twino on 23rd January 2017 and had a successfull exit at 8th December 2019.

L account exited with a total profit of 186,73€. 

Company M account started investing at Twino on 17th January 2018 and had a successfulll exit at 8th December 2019.

M account total profit 109,19€.

All my loans on Twino had  buyback or payment guarantee.

TWINO review

Read my TWINO review here.

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Monthly income graph

Twino income in june 2021

Total profit earned in Twino

Total profit from Twino june 2021

My accounts overview

Twino private account

Twino account overview march 2021

Twino account #1L

Twino company L account overview december 2019

Twino account #1M

Twino company M account overview december 2019

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